
Pessebres vivents i Pastorets

Perquè les bones tradicions no s'han de perdre
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Gaudeix d’una experiència especial amb la nostra visita Brunch & Wine, pensada per a aquells que busquen un pla diferent en un...

Culture and traditions

Fira de Nadal amb més de 350 parades de productes nadalencs, tradicionals, de jardineria, artesania i alimentació, així com un amp...

Espinelves Fir Tree Fair
Culture and traditions

Head with the family to one of the most special Christmas fairs in Catalonia if you want to get hold of the best Christmas tree!

Living Nativity of Catalonia
Culture and traditions

The landscape of the Penya del Corb rock formation in Corbera de Llobregat is the natural stage of the First Living Nativity in Ca...

Fair of the Puríssima in Sant Boi de Llobregat
Culture and traditions

Modernity and tradition at the Fair of the Puríssima (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception). This is the main showcase for the lo...

Culture and traditions

Concert de Nadal de Joan Dausà

Showing 1 - 6 of 14 results.

Fires de Nadal

Fires, firetes, mercats, markets, artesania... tot i més per fer el pessebre més top del barri i per triomfar amb els regals que facis.
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Gaudeix d’una experiència especial amb la nostra visita Brunch & Wine, pensada per a aquells que busquen un pla diferent en un...

Culture and traditions

Fira de Nadal amb més de 350 parades de productes nadalencs, tradicionals, de jardineria, artesania i alimentació, així com un amp...

Espinelves Fir Tree Fair
Culture and traditions

Head with the family to one of the most special Christmas fairs in Catalonia if you want to get hold of the best Christmas tree!

Living Nativity of Catalonia
Culture and traditions

The landscape of the Penya del Corb rock formation in Corbera de Llobregat is the natural stage of the First Living Nativity in Ca...

Fair of the Puríssima in Sant Boi de Llobregat
Culture and traditions

Modernity and tradition at the Fair of the Puríssima (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception). This is the main showcase for the lo...

Culture and traditions

Concert de Nadal de Joan Dausà

Showing 1 - 6 of 14 results.

I aquest Nadal, què fem amb els nens?

Amb aquestes propostes, les vacances escolars se't faran més curtes
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Gaudeix d’una experiència especial amb la nostra visita Brunch & Wine, pensada per a aquells que busquen un pla diferent en un...

Culture and traditions

Fira de Nadal amb més de 350 parades de productes nadalencs, tradicionals, de jardineria, artesania i alimentació, així com un amp...

Espinelves Fir Tree Fair
Culture and traditions

Head with the family to one of the most special Christmas fairs in Catalonia if you want to get hold of the best Christmas tree!

Living Nativity of Catalonia
Culture and traditions

The landscape of the Penya del Corb rock formation in Corbera de Llobregat is the natural stage of the First Living Nativity in Ca...

Fair of the Puríssima in Sant Boi de Llobregat
Culture and traditions

Modernity and tradition at the Fair of the Puríssima (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception). This is the main showcase for the lo...

Culture and traditions

Concert de Nadal de Joan Dausà

Showing 1 - 6 of 14 results.

I per cremar els turrons?

Doncs aquí tens propostes per quan decideixis acabar la sobretaula
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Gaudeix d’una experiència especial amb la nostra visita Brunch & Wine, pensada per a aquells que busquen un pla diferent en un...

Espinelves Fir Tree Fair
Culture and traditions

Head with the family to one of the most special Christmas fairs in Catalonia if you want to get hold of the best Christmas tree!

Culture and traditions

Fira de Nadal amb més de 350 parades de productes nadalencs, tradicionals, de jardineria, artesania i alimentació, així com un amp...

Living Nativity of Catalonia
Culture and traditions

The landscape of the Penya del Corb rock formation in Corbera de Llobregat is the natural stage of the First Living Nativity in Ca...

Fair of the Puríssima in Sant Boi de Llobregat
Culture and traditions

Modernity and tradition at the Fair of the Puríssima (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception). This is the main showcase for the lo...

Culture and traditions

Concert de Nadal de Joan Dausà

Showing 1 - 6 of 14 results.



Més idees per aquest Nadal

Tot el que has de saber sobre el Nadal a les comarques de Barcelona
6 pobles amb encant nadalenc

Si estàs pensant acabar l'any desconnectant de tot i el que et ve de gust és omplir els pulmons d'aire pur, estirar una mica les cames i endinsar-te en paisatges d'hivern… Doncs fes-ho! Ara és el moment de planificar l'escapada perfecta i visitar algun dels pobles amb més encant de les comarques de Barcelona. 

Four original Christmas fairs

Would you like to surprise somebody with a truly original Christmas gift but don’t know where to find it? Well, you’re in luck! In the run-up to Christmas, several markets are held in the regions of Barcelona that are well worth visiting. At these arts and crafts, antiques and book fairs, you can purchase little gifts that will surprise even your most hard-to-please family members and friends!

Nine fairs for creating a nativity scene

There’s no need to travel to Northern Europe to enjoy the magic of Christmas markets: in the regions of Barcelona there are many towns and cities that organise beautiful fairs where you can buy figurines for the nativity scene and all kinds of traditional decorations. Some remain open until 23 December, but why wait until the last minute? Visit one this weekend and feel the warmth of Christmas spirit.

Gastronomic dates for Christmas

Have you still not made up your mind what to cook this Christmas? Or perhaps you’ve decided on the menu but would like to obtain top-quality products. Would you like to enjoy fine dining without having to break the bank? Well, pay a visit to the food fairs held at this time of year in the towns and cities of the regions of Barcelona; you’ll find plenty of delicious products to put in your casserole dish. Have you got your shopping basket ready?


Showing 1 - 4 of 10 results.

Tria entre totes les activitats de Nadal

Ordenades per data perquè puguis organitzar l'agenda
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Gaudeix d’una experiència especial amb la nostra visita Brunch & Wine, pensada per a aquells que busquen un pla diferent en un...

Culture and traditions

Fira de Nadal amb més de 350 parades de productes nadalencs, tradicionals, de jardineria, artesania i alimentació, així com un amp...

Espinelves Fir Tree Fair
Culture and traditions

Head with the family to one of the most special Christmas fairs in Catalonia if you want to get hold of the best Christmas tree!

Living Nativity of Catalonia
Culture and traditions

The landscape of the Penya del Corb rock formation in Corbera de Llobregat is the natural stage of the First Living Nativity in Ca...

Fair of the Puríssima in Sant Boi de Llobregat
Culture and traditions

Modernity and tradition at the Fair of the Puríssima (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception). This is the main showcase for the lo...

Culture and traditions

Concert de Nadal de Joan Dausà

Showing 1 - 6 of 14 results.