Culture and traditions

Discover a spectacular heritage while strolling around villages and towns in Barcelona's regions. Participate in traditional festivals and let museums nourish your sensibility.

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Don’t miss out on our plans for enjoying culture and traditions
<p>Monastery of Sant Cugat</p>

The Royal Monastery of Sant Cugat is a Romanesque jewel that’s highly appreciated by enthusiasts of mediaeval architecture, who single out its magnificent cloister for special praise. Nevertheless, this monastery largely remains an undiscovered treasure, so here’s a list of six curiosities, just to give you a taste of all the surprises that await you in this amazing monastic complex!

<p>Natural Areas of the Llobregat Delta</p>

Do you find that when Friday comes around, you’ve had no time to plan the weekend? Maybe you fancy a change of scenery without getting stuck in motorway traffic. Well, it so happens that you have all sorts of options for enjoying culture and nature respectfully and sustainably, and they’re much closer than you might think. You’re probably already familiar with the sustainable tourism label Biosphere, but you may not yet know about the places we describe below, which are certified as sustainable. They’ll provide you with some unforgettable moments, so let’s discover them!

Very close to Barcelona you will find a great many examples of modernista works created between the 19th and 20th centuries. Urban palaces and holiday homes, churches and hospitals, warehouses and gardens, factories and cellars, all with the signature of the great architects of the movement in Catalonia: Antoni Gaudí, Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and Josep Puig i Cadafalch, among others. To commemorate this cultural trend, different towns and cities are organizing festivals and fairs to recover their aesthetic quality. Want to find out more about them?

Showing 1 - 3 of 87 results.

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Culture and traditions

Nova exposició temporal de ceràmica contemporània que trasllada l’experiència creativa dels artistes internacionals Anne Laure Can...

Culture and traditions

Gaudeix d'una visita al monestir al teu ritme, amb dos recorreguts audioguiats que et permetran descobrir la història i l'arquitec...

Culture and traditions

At the Gavà Mines Archaeological Park we can find out what the men and women of the Neolithic era were like, what they did and how...

Culture and traditions

Recorregut d’aproximadament 1 km pels escenaris urbans de la vila que ens permeten identificar Vilafranca del Penedès com a Capita...

Culture and traditions

Enguany a Calella estem de celebració. Festegem el centenari del naixement de Francesc Oliver i Fradera (Calella, 1924 - Pineda de...

Culture and traditions

Now you can visit Gaudí’s least-known work, a unique garden that he designed and gifted to the Artigas family as a sign of gratitu...

Showing 7 - 12 of 50 results.

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