Culture and traditions

Discover a spectacular heritage while strolling around villages and towns in Barcelona's regions. Participate in traditional festivals and let museums nourish your sensibility.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our plans for enjoying culture and traditions
<p>Piratia Exhibition in Castelldfels</p>

Long before Disney popularised Jack Sparrow and the Pirates of the Caribbean universe, the inhabitants of the Catalan coastline were all too familiar with the attacks launched by sea bandits. Films, series and novels have presented pirates as romantic characters, but they could be the most cruel of criminals. Their role in local history is certainly worth discovering and it’s been kept alive in many towns in regions such as Garraf or Maresme as a way to explore their historical heritage.

<p>Bike riding in the Montseny Nature Park and Biosphere Reserve</p>

It is easy to talk about sustainability, but it is sometimes harder to put it into practice. When making plans for the weekend or a longer getaway, you might not know where to start looking. With this in mind, today, we would like to tell you about some of the best options for responsible tourism in the county of Vallès Oriental.

<p>The reservoir de Capellades</p>

The abundance of water is one of the defining features of Capellades, a town nestling on the right bank of the Anoia River. Water carved escarpments where Neanderthals lived in prehistoric times. Much later, from the 17th century onwards, several paper mills were built along the river to take advantage of the plentiful flow of water. Still today, the same water attracts many visitors, keen to discover the wells, springs, lavoirs and reservoirs spread throughout this medium-sized town. Do you know the main attractions of one of the unmissable tourist destinations in Barcelona’s counties?

Showing 1 - 3 of 87 results.

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Culture and traditions

Nova exposició temporal de ceràmica contemporània que trasllada l’experiència creativa dels artistes internacionals Anne Laure Can...

Culture and traditions

No us perdeu una de les mostres cinematogràfiques LGTBIQ+ emergents més interessants del moment.

Culture and traditions

El Bruc, amb la cultura, promou l'11è festival MusicalBruc, amb un programa eclèctic que abasta una gran varietat d’estils musical...

Culture and traditions

La visita guiada més completa que et permetrà conèixer la importància històrica del Monestir de Sant Cugat en la història de la Ca...

Culture and traditions

Gaudeix d'una visita al monestir al teu ritme, amb dos recorreguts audioguiats que et permetran descobrir la història i l'arquitec...

Culture and traditions

Aquest desembre, el millor jazz al Casino Prado amb Toni Quartet, South Side Stompers, Laura Simó, Elisabet Raspall, Andrea Motis ...

Showing 25 - 30 of 50 results.

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