Culture and traditions

Discover a spectacular heritage while strolling around villages and towns in Barcelona's regions. Participate in traditional festivals and let museums nourish your sensibility.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our plans for enjoying culture and traditions
<p>Casa Gomis, al Prat de Llobregat</p>

Away from the hustle and bustle of nearby towns, at the end of a path of pines and sand, you come to Casa Gomis, in El Prat de Llobregat, a house that will amaze you with its rationalist architecture, in constant dialogue with the coastal landscape.

<p>MNACTEC a Terrassa</p>

An old textile factory, an entire neighbourhood that became the most important tannery district in Europe, or the old kiln that produced the ceramics that still adorn Barcelona’s most important Catalan modernist buildings. The industrial heritage of the regions of Barcelona is simply amazing. Discover seven places that will take your breath away.

<p>Rutes per a famílies exploradores a Sant Cugat del Vallès</p>

They say that playing is the best way to learn. So today we’re proposing a wide variety of escape rooms, interactive games and gamified routes for you to explore the regions of Barcelona in a different way. We’ve got games that use virtual reality, others that take you to secret places and more straightforward ones that you can complete at your own pace using just your mobile phone or a map. They’re sure to make your break more fun and exciting! Which one would you like to start with?

Showing 1 - 3 of 86 results.

Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
Culture and traditions

L'artista Mònica Vilert presenta, al Museu del Càntir d’Argentona, una exposició multidisciplinar on conviuen formes planes i volu...

Culture and traditions

El MEV exposa la portada del número 82 de Cavall Fort (gener 1967) pintada per Tàpies, acompanyada d'un text seu sobre l'art. Cele...

Culture and traditions

A l'exposició “Energia Emocional” de l'artista contemporani Rahim El, podran contemplar obres de diverses sèries, creacions escult...

Culture and traditions

El silenci dels colors. Exposició dels últims treballs de l'artista susana mata.

Culture and traditions

Torna el Sitges, Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya, i des d'artAmore Sitges ens sumem amb exposicions dedica...

Modernisme i vitralls
Culture and traditions

Una autèntica experiència per gaudir dels colors i la llum del Modernisme a través dels vitralls.

Showing 31 - 36 of 50 results.

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Catalan Modernism

Museus i monuments

Fires i festes

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An area with a rural heart

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