Museums and Monuments

Barcelona is all about heritage. There are all sorts of museums, monuments and attractions through which to explore the art and heritage of the regions of Barcelona.

So much to visit. So much to discover

<p>Capvespre al castell de Burriac</p>

Són llocs elevats, que ens donen una perspectiva única d’una zona, poble o indret. Observar un lloc a vista d’ocell sempre ens fa sentir imponents, poderosos i importants. La sensació de tenir un territori als peus crea una percepció inigualable. T’animes a experimentar aquesta sensació? Aquí trobaràs 9 talaies úniques que val la pena conèixer. 

<p>Coll i Regàs House</p>

Did you know that Gaudí's starting point is located in Mataró? That Lluís Domènech i Montaner, the genius behind the Palau de la Música Catalana and the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, refurbished a medieval castle in Canet de Mar? Patricia Rojas, La Cosmopolilla, a journalist and travel blogger, suggests a route through the Art Nouveau legacy of Maresme, a region of Costa Barcelona that is popular for its beaches and boasts a great heritage to discover. A real treat!

<p>Old shops in Calaf</p>

Do you like old shops? Those where everything is designed to display the products and make them stand out. Those where, wherever you look, you find giant mirrors, columns, staircases, giant cash registers and hidden details that transport you to another era. Many towns and cities have made an effort to keep the shops as they were, without modernising them unnecessarily. You can find examples just walking around, but there are places where these shops have become their own identity feature. Do you know where they are? 

Showing 1 - 3 of 20 results.

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Culture and traditions

Una exposició que recull els sentiments de moltes generacions que formen el fil de la història d’aquesta muntanya extraordinària q...

Culture and traditions

L'artista Mònica Vilert presenta, al Museu del Càntir d’Argentona, una exposició multidisciplinar on conviuen formes planes i volu...

Culture and traditions

El MEV exposa la portada del número 82 de Cavall Fort (gener 1967) pintada per Tàpies, acompanyada d'un text seu sobre l'art. Cele...

Showing 16 - 18 of 38 results.