
It’s summertime!

The best season for enjoying the outdoors, al fresco nights, stargazing, being in the water and a cornucopia of other plans!

Starry Night

Observatori Astronòmic del Parc del Garraf

An educational experience that makes astronomy accessible to everyone.

Observatori Astronòmic de Castelltallat

Set at an elevation of 1,000 metres, far from any population centre, this is an amazing place for stargazing.


Dinners, concerts and plenty of activities surrounded by stars!

Centre astronòmic del Pedraforca

Discover a superb night sky in a digital planetarium session that will take you one universe inside.

Experience the joy of summer festivals

Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Igualada
Culture and traditions

The Festa Major (Main Festival) of Igualada is one of the most ancient in Catalonia. Experience the tradition of Saint Bartholomew...

Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Les Neus
Culture and traditions

Music, traditions and activities for all the family! Enjoy the invitation to the festival, the 12 mortars, the correfoc (fireworks...

Summer festivals and concerts

Culture and traditions

Suma’t a la transformació verda del Baix Llobregat!

Culture and traditions

Festival Coral Internacional.

Gastronomy and wine tourism

Esdeveniment enogastronòmic per a promoure els vins elaborats a Catalunya, expandir la cultura del vi i del cava, i augmentar la p...

Culture and traditions

L'Orquestra Filharmònica Limak debutarà a Espanya amb el concert “Melodies captivadores del Mediterrani” al Palau de la Música, on...

Gastronomy and wine tourism

Vine a gaudir d’un sopar-concert exclusiu inspirat en els Fantàstics Anys 20 a la Torre Modernista Abadal!

Vermut musical Lab Sons
Culture and traditions

Vermut musical amb Lab Sons. Escolta música en directe mentre prens el vermut.

Showing 1 - 6 of 7 results.

The best gastronomic and wine tourism plans for this summer

El Convidat (Cicle Cultural)
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Through our culture cycle “The Guest”, each month we welcome a fellow winery into our Can Calopa wine bar with the goal of raising...

Cal Rosal Wild Mushroom Market
Gastronomy and wine tourism

Woodwaxes, bloody milk caps, grey knights, yellow foot chanterelles... When the wild mushroom season arrives, the towns of the Ber...


Un cap de setmana ple d'activitats amb una fira on els bolets són els protagonistes.

Gastronomy and wine tourism

Arenys de Mar torna a celebrar les Jornades Gastronòmiques del Calamar amb més de 40 propostes culinàries i activitats per a tots ...

Culture and traditions

Suma’t a la transformació verda del Baix Llobregat!

Gastronomy and wine tourism

Gaudeix d’una experiència especial amb la nostra visita Brunch & Wine, pensada per a aquells que busquen un pla diferent en un...

Showing 7 - 12 of 12 results.