Culture and traditions

Discover a spectacular heritage while strolling around villages and towns in Barcelona's regions. Participate in traditional festivals and let museums nourish your sensibility.

Trip ideas

Don’t miss out on our plans for enjoying culture and traditions
<p>Vista de Gironella</p>

Tenen un patrimoni sorprenent, estan ubicats en un entorn que deixa sense alè o parlen de la història del nostre país. Aquests deu nuclis que trobaràs a continuació són deu dels pobles imprescindibles que has de visitar a les comarques de Barcelona. T’enamoraran pel seu llegat patrimonial i natural i et faran descobrir racons que probablement desconeixies. Som-hi?

<p>El Masnou beach</p>

In your opinion, what is the greatest thing about Maresme? Summer? Its many sunny days and good weather all year round? Its bright blue skies? That there is no need to choose between the sea and the mountains? There are many reasons to come and visit Maresme... Today we add another one: The Maresme region boasts a hundred companies certified with the Biosphere sustainability label. This involves people working to improve products and services and minimise the impact on nature and the environment. Below you will find some of these 100 plans for you to choose from this summer. Read on, as they will surprise you!

<p>Catalonian Science and Technical Museum</p>

There are places that inspire. Towns and cities with charming museums, where you can enjoy the rich cultural and scientific heritage of Barcelona's regions without having to contend with crowds and endless queues. If you go alone or with adult company, like a friend or partner, you will, of course, be able to concentrate and take more in. If you decide to take children, you will be able to exchange curiosities and different ways of perceiving. Your perspectives will change forever!

Showing 1 - 3 of 38 results.

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