Baix Llobregat

El Baix Llobregat is an ideal destination for amazing getaways very close to Barcelona. At sea, river or mountain, there are so many interesting proposals that you will not want to stay home.

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A water crossroads

El Baix Llobregat es una comarca ideal para los amantes del agua, ya que se hace difícil encontrar un rincón en el que no se escuche el caudal del río o las olas del mar. En el triángulo que forman las poblaciones de Collbató, Castelldefels y el Prat descubrimos cuevas, cascadas, humedales y playas de gran valor natural, además de minas, colonias textiles, pozos y esclusas muy interesantes a nivel histórico y cultural. Te presentamos algunos de los puntos turísticos más destacados de un territorio que, seguro, te sorprenderá.

The Gaudí Crypt, a World Heritage Site

In 2005, seven buildings designed by Antoni Gaudí were inscribed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Six of them are extremely well known: the Sagrada Família, La Pedrera, Casa Vicens, Parc Güell, Palau Güell and Casa Batlló. However, the seventh architectural gem in the list, the Crypt of the Colònia Güell, is much less famous. It’s an architectural masterpiece in which the author of impossible works tested his considerable intellect.

A natural paradise next to the sea

Without a doubt, the Llobregat Delta is one of the most unspoiled natural areas on the Costa Barcelona, a real natural paradise next to the sea, and just a stone’s throw from the Catalan capital, boasting a diversity of flora and fauna that’s hard to match anywhere else in the Mediterranean. Here are just four of the many ways to explore these fabulous landscapes:


Coming soon…

Don’t miss a thing!
Culture and traditions

Diumenges 13 i 27 d'octubre l'Ermita de Sales obre les seves portes per a donar a conèixer els secrets que amaga al seu interior.

Culture and traditions

Suma’t a la transformació verda del Baix Llobregat!

Catalan Modernist Fair at the Colònia Güell
Culture and traditions

“More than a century ago, there was an industrial model village where we lived, worked and had fun together…” The Catalan Modernis...

Culture and traditions

Ja a la venda els bitllets del nou tren turístic de Barcelona és molt més que et porta a descobrir Gavà i Castelldefels com no ho ...


Jornada que fusiona natura i gastronomia, amb un itinerari etnobotànic i un aperitiu inspirat en les herbes recollides.


Diumenge 20 d'octubre anirem de ruta al ''Camí de Montbaig'' on explicarem el passat de Viladecans i els orígens romans i íbers de...

Showing 13 - 18 of 22 results.


It all starts with the sea

Guides and maps

Plan your stay

Cities and towns. Choose where you want to go!

Where to eat?

From Michelin-starred restaurants to small mountain inns who serve hearty traditional breakfasts

Catalan cuisine

Slow food

Local Products

Culinary associations


Where to sleep?

A romantic weekend, a family holidays or a business meeting – in Barcelona's regions, you can find accommodation for all occasions!

Hostels and refuges


Rural tourism




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